There is still not as much here as I would like (which is, in large part, my fault; the major updates that I have posted here in September 2001 have been sitting in my in-box for over two years); I just re-started collecting material. If you ever "did time" at NCSSM as a student or an employee, please feel free to contribute something of your own by emailing it to I won't edit, and I won't pass judgement on your interpretation of your experience at NCSSM. Any current or former faculty or staff are very welcome to submit material.
For the time being, with the small amount of material, everything will be arranged chronologically. Later on, if the amount of stuff increases I may add more cross-referencing, such as stories about particular faculty members, etc.
[NEW!] NCSSM Postcards!! I know you've all just been pining for a chance to send an electronic postcard with an NCSSM theme. Well, now here's your chance! In honor of the upcoming 15th year reunion of the Class of 1986, I've set up this simple but cheesy electronic postcard system. Why not use it to ask your long-lost friends if they will be attending the reunion?
Any use of the first person which is not explicitly quoted to someone
else is me (Kyle Barger) writing.