1983-1984 Pictures - Page 2 of 4

Dr. Jon Miller conducts class (this is in Beall 1).
Dr. Steve Davis, who was chair of the Math Department during this time.
A view of Revco, a campus landmark.  Just beyond is the Norge Laundromat, which is not visible in this photo.  Closer in, out of view of the shot, was the BB&T bank that once refused to cash a check to me from my mom on the novel grounds that the check wasn't drawn on BB&T (even though I had a savings account there).
Two student proudly displaying the results of some time in the art studio.  (I don't know why, but the style of shirt the girl on the left is wearing, with the broad horizontal stripes, always epitomizes the early- to mid-80s period to me.  Ben Stiller even wore one in the 80s flashback scenes of the movie "There's Something About Mary.")
Hugh Haskell of the Physics Department conducts class.
Students receive some kind of award or recognition.  The woman at the lectern appears to be far more interested than the four students.
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